Maxi euro 1500

Medium size cabinets
from 1200 x 750 x 400 to 1600 x 3000 x 600


Standard Cabinet (ST)

Special features that make the difference

Cabinet made of ANTI-CORROSION fiberglass reinforced polyester
Enclosure with a Gel Goat finish and textured polyurethane coating
Polyester coating guarantee: 10 years.
Degré de protection : IP65 / IK 10
Integrated rain canopy

Advantages following the type of cabinet chosen

Cabinet assembled by you -2/3/4 modules
Cabinet in stock: shipping time: 48h / 72h
Options in stock and easily integrated by you
Very competitive price even compared to sheet metal

Custom Enclsoure (SP)

Special features that make the difference

Cabinet made of ANTI-CORROSION fiberglass reinforced polyester
Enclosure with a Gel Goat finish and textured polyurethane coating
Polyester coating guarantee: 10 years.
Degré de protection : IP65 / IK 10
Integrated rain canopy

Advantages following the type of cabinet chosen

Factory-assembled cabinet – monobloc cabinet – 2/3/4 modules
Customizable cabinet in the factory according to your needs – very heavy loads, integration of options in the factory, assembly dedicated to your applications.

Nos produits

Micro euro

Micro euro

Mini euro

Mini euro

Euro medium

Euro medium

Maxi euro 1500

Maxi euro 1500

Maxi euro 1900

Maxi euro 1900

Mega euro

Mega euro

Euro urbain

Euro urbain

Euro instrum

Euro instrum

Sur mesure

Sur mesure



Vous avez besoin d’un produit standard ou sur mesure ?

Notre équipe commerciale, techniquement qualifiée, est constamment à l’écoute de vos besoins. Elle saura rechercher les produits les plus adaptés à vos attentes tout en respectant vos impératifs économiques.